(Originally aired 14 May 1986)
"Shenron e no Negai"
("A Wish to Shenlong")

Canon Segment: 15 Seconds
Shenlong has been summoned, leaving the two bats to fret that they did not make it in time. Yamcha and Bulma see the dragon through the small hole, and worry that it is all over.
Filler Segment: 1 Minute, 36 Seconds
Pilaf stares at the emerging dragon, thinking about how his wish will finally be granted. He daydreams of what it will be like to be king, his many subjects, and commoners bowing down before him. He then imagines the whole world being at his fingertips... literally! He soon returns to reality, where the dragon hovers before him. Everyone, from Mai and Shuu, to Oolong and Pu'er, to Yamcha and Bulma, are speechless at the site of Shenlong.
Shenlong himself is not speechless, however; he angrily asks Pilaf if he was the one that summoned him.
Canon Segment: 37 Seconds
Shenlong now asks Pilaf for his wish. Yamcha curses the thought of a guy like Pilaf taking over the world, while Bulma cries about all their hard work going to waste.
This leaves Goku a chance to peek at the dragon, who is still waiting for Pilaf's wish. In their normal forms, Oolong thinks they should run away, and Pu'er agrees.
Filler Segment: 47 Seconds
Bulma and Yamcha cry about their wishes as Goku continues watching the dragon. Pilaf begins to speak his wish, while Goku tries another Kamehameha.
He fails again due to hunger, but his determination to see the dragon up close leads to a third Kamehameha attempt. Shenlong tells Pilaf to hurry up.
Canon Segment: 1 Minute, 59 Seconds
Oolong suddenly gets the idea that if he can make a wish before Pilaf does... The pig rushes over as Pilaf slowly begins to speak, and calls out, "Give me a gal's panties!" Meanwhile, Goku's third Kamehameha was the charm, and it busts down the wall, allowing him to escape with Bulma and Yamcha, who cheer Oolong on. Pilaf, Mai, and Shuu all turn around to stare at Oolong in shock, as a pair of panties slowly floats down from the sky.
Having granted a wish, Shenlong bids them all farewell. He disappears, and the Dragon Balls fly into the air, where they disperse in seven different directions. Goku then asks why the Dragon Balls flew off, so Bulma explains that they scatter again after a wish is granted. He is not happy to learn that Grandpa's memento flew off somewhere. Meanwhile, Pilaf orders his henchmen to capture the pig, who is happy with his panties.
Filler Segment: 5 Minutes
Pilaf notices the others have escaped, and orders them captured as well. Oolong grabs Pu'er and heads back toward the castle. Yamcha and Bulma notice they have been spotted, and prepare to run away, until they notice Goku is too weak to move. Yamcha then grabs Goku, and the three of them run off as bullets fly their way. Mai worries that they are headed for the tunnels. Shuu has a solution: he whistles for his dogs.
The guard dogs first find Oolong and Pu'er, who had been arguing about whether to hide or keep running. Next, Yamcha and the others wonder if there are anymore traps in the castle, when suddenly, more dogs drop in on them! Yamcha tosses Goku, who is still weakened by hunger, into the pack of dogs. Imagining the dogs as food, Goku perks up and begins attacking them. Oolong and Pu'er continue running from their dogs, while Yamcha uses Rôgafûfûken to assist Goku. Yamcha suggests that they head back outside, since the dogs just will not stop coming.
The three of them fight their way into Pilaf's dining room, where Bulma becomes cornered by some dogs. Goku uses the Nyoibô to knock them away, though. Meanwhile, Oolong and Pu'er are still running around on the outside of the castle, until they fall inside. They turn into birds and prepare to fly back outside. The others then use the Nyoibô to try to climb out, but all their weight tips the bô over... and the three of them fall onto the two birds!
More dogs then head their way. Yamcha attempts to fight them off alone, since Goku is now far too weak from hunger. As he fights, Mai and Shuu drop in on the other four.
Yamcha turns around to see, in addition to the countless guard dogs, Mai and Shuu are holding a gun and a sword to Bulma. Yamcha then looks up, where Pilaf is looking down from above and laughing.
Canon Segment: 8 Minutes, 22 Seconds
Now the gang is in a new room with steel walls. Goku says the ceiling is open, though Bulma tries to tell him it is super-reinforced glass. Nonetheless, Goku attempts to jump through it, banging his head pretty hard. Yamcha really wants to get out of here and find the Dragon Balls again. Bulma disappoints him by explaining that the Dragon Balls turn to stone after they are used, and will not become Dragon Balls again for one year. Yamcha does not look forward to another year of being weak around women.
Pilaf then speaks to them through a speaker in the wall, declaring that they are going to be punished for interrupting his plans of world domination. Of course, he is not barbaric, so he is going to kill them slowly! The glass ceiling is there so that the afternoon sun will turn that room into a toaster oven. He then laughs over their painful death. Bulma begins to worry about her skin, since she does not have any suntan oil. She cries about turning into a mummy at her age, Oolong doesn't want to be boiled pork, Yamcha worries about his dreams of marriage, Pu'er needs to pee, and Goku is simply hungry.
Bulma and the others cheer on as Goku and Yamcha try to bust out of the steel cell, while Pilaf laughs at their futile attempts. The walls are 300 millimeters of steel, and the ceiling is super-reinforced glass! Yamcha admits that this is impossible. Later that night, Pilaf plays cards with Mai and Shuu, and decides to head to bed. He laughs about how fun tomorrow afternoon will be. Back in the steel cell, everyone is exhausted. Oolong says they are going to die, to which Bulma says that she hates dying. Oolong replies that everyone hates it! He then turns to Pu'er, who is quietly basking in the sight of the full moon, because he wants to see something pretty before he dies.
The mention of the full moon prompts Goku to tell them about the monster that comes out on full moon nights. Bulma says that if he has time to think of dumb things like wolf men, he should use it to think of a way to escape. Goku insists that this is true, because this monster stepped on his grandpa and killed him. Yamcha realizes this must be an incredible monster to have killed Son Gohan. Goku says the monster also smashed up the house and the trees. Oolong wonders what this thing looks like, but Goku never saw it, because he was asleep. Oolong asks how he could possibly sleep while his house was being destroyed.
Goku then mentions that his grandpa also told him not to look at the full moon, but he doubts it is related. He begins wondering if there are any full moon monsters around here, while the others suddenly cower in a corner staring at Goku. Bulma nervously asks Goku if he looked at the moon the night his grandfather died. The boy cheerfully admits that he did see it when he went outside to pee that night.
Yamcha nervously says he had a feeling that Goku was no ordinary boy. Bulma thinks it must be a coincidence. Oolong suggests they test by having Goku look at the moon, but retracts when Bulma reminds him that they would be in danger on the off-chance that it is true. They decide not to let the boy see. Pointing her finger to the night sky, Bulma says, "Hey, Son-kun! You really must not look at the full moon! Okay!?" Goku looks in the direction she points, sees the moon, and... nothing happens. This leaves the others quite relieved.
Shortly after... Goku goes into a trance and begins transforming. The others scream as he becomes a monstrous, giant monkey. All the commotion wakes up Pilaf, Mai, and Shuu, who sleepily complain about the noise their prisoners are making. Goku roars as he smashes through the roof of the castle...
The narrator tells us that even the author is scared!

Total canon time: 10 Minutes, 9 Seconds
Total filler time: 10 Minutes, 20 Seconds
DB Episode 012: ~50% Filler
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The order of some dialogue is different in the anime. In the manga, the order goes: Shenlong asks for Pilaf's wish, Yamcha gets angry about a guy like Pilaf taking over the world / Goku peeks out at Shenlong / Bulma cries about all their hard work, Pilaf prepares to make his wish, Oolong suggests to Pu'er that they run away. In the anime, it goes: Shenlong, Yamcha, Bulma, Oolong, Pilaf, Goku. Shenlong's signature "Saa, negai o ie" ("Well now, speak your wish") is also shortened to just "Negai o ie" ("Speak your wish") in the anime.
In the manga, Goku only uses Kamehameha once to make the tiny hole that the shapeshifters use to fly outside. He thus does not bust them out of their cell, and all the conversation following the wish being granted instead still happens inside the castle. On that note, Yamcha and Bulma's lines that cheer Oolong on for having stopped Pilaf do not occur in the manga until after Shenlong has departed and the Dragon Balls have scattered.
When they are first relocated to the steel cell, someone pounds on the wall and notes that it is made of steel. In the manga, this is Yamcha, and in the anime, it is Oolong.
The card scene is different in each version. In the manga, he is clearly playing some sort of game with Mai (and possibly Shuu, but he is not shown clearly), and he has a toothbrush and toothpaste in hand when he thinks of how fun tomorrow will be. In the anime, he is making a card house, which he spills coffee over, and simply looks out the window when he thinks of tomorrow.
There is a missing panel when they are relocated to the steel cell (in fact, the first panel in the steel cell). In it, Yamcha comments about how pitiful it was that Oolong and Pu'er were caught so easily. Oolong then tells him it could not be helped since those guys had ray guns.
When Bulma explains that the Dragon Balls turn to stone for one year, Oolong makes a comment wondering what they should do about the manga's title. Unsurprisingly, this line does not appear in the anime.
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