all frequent message boards and online forums (such as
alt.fan.dragonball), and we all contribute as much as
we can. Unfortunately, we don't KNOW of all the places
people post questions, so it's impossible for us to reach
everyone. However, if you're reading this, you at least
know where WE are, so it's possible for you to ask us
we're going for here is sort of an "Answerman"
or "Ask John" (from Anime
News Network and Anime
Nation, respectively). We'd like you to e-mail in
whatever questions you may have, so long as it somehow
relates to the world of DragonBall; be it the manga,
the anime, merchandise.. whatever. We've been around for
a few years, now, and we know the ropes... we like to
think we know our stuff.
we want to help. Contact
us! We'll try to update this section as often as we
can with questions straight from the fans. Thanks!
Last Updated: Monday, 05 December 2005 ]
[ Past "Ask..." Archives
discuss this week's "Ask Daizenshuu EX" on our
great deal of the Buu saga's and late movies' (10-13)
background music are not featured on the Dragonball
& Dragonball Z Daizenshuu 5 disc set... nor
any other set I can find, save the few 10 and 11 movie
soundtracks out there. Is there a complete song collection
out there that includes (the rest of) the music from the
end of Z and the last of the movies? Or are there movie
soundtracks out there for 12 and 13 (or other scattered
collections) that can complete my BGM collection? -
Unfortunately, there is (as-of-yet, anyway) no truly complete
collection of BGM available for purchase. It's quite a
shame that we have not yet been able to get our hands
on some of this music. Personally, there's the piece in
DBZ movie 12 when Gogeta forms the power ball and attacks
Janenba... I'd loooove to be able to
listen to that on CD.
I can't say a whole lot more. I really wish I could...!
- VegettoEX
of Freeza's forms is the true one? Is it the first one
we first see him in, with the horns and the chair he likes
to use? Or the last one (Mecha-Freeza aside), with no
horns, just the sleekness? I have the daizenshuu
but I'm not good enough with Japanese to see if there's
an answer provided. -
Freeza makes some vague reference to the possible fact
that his transformations are actually an attempt to contain
his true power, rather than allowing him to increase
his power (as a SSJ transformation somewhat does). If
this is the case, it's not hard to imagine that Freeza's
final form is actually his "true" form, and
that if you trace the transformations backwards to his
"first form" (small, usually in the hover-chair),
they're actually Freeza purposefully containing himself.
we really have no idea, and that's just speculation based
on a single thing that's said in the series... :D - VegettoEX
Q. I
was reading about "Toriyama Akira Marusaku Gekijou",
the collection of Mr. Toriyama's short stories. I read
that some of the stories introduce character designs and
concepts he later used in his work on Dragonball.
Could you shed some light on the basic elements that were
in some of the stories and how their ideas later pertained
to Dragonball? - Harley
The main one-shots that Toriyama took elements from were
Dragon Boy and Tongpoo's Great Adventure
(both from 1983). Dragon Boy deals with a Goku-esque
lead, named Tanton, who must escort a beautiful, Chichi-esque
princess to a far-off land. Tanton has a "Dragon
Ball" (from which a small, useless dragon appears)
at his disposal, as well as the ability to fly —
although not by the same means Goku can. In their travels,
they also encounter both a shapeshifting cat-thing (reminiscent
of Pu'er), and a robot that is clearly the basis for the
one guarding the pirate base in DB. Tongpoo's Great
Adventure features capsules, but they're not as handy
as the DB version: instead of pressing the button and
throwing them, one has to boil them in water.
Hô (1986) has a main character that's the spitting
image of Yamcha, but the comic came out when DB was already
into the Red Ribbon arc, so clearly it was DB that influenced
this. However, there's always Dr. Slump (1980-1984),
which influenced DB in a variety of ways, both subtle
and not so subtle (I'd say the three-chapter crossover
falls firmly in the latter category). And so, there you
have it. - Julian
Q. I
am a big fan of character songs, mainly songs sung by
the actual voice actors and/or actresses. I was wondering
if there are any songs for Vegeta other than "Bejîita-sama
no O-ryôri Jigoku" that are sung by his
voice actor, Ryo Horikawa? - Hikari
As far as I can tell from looking through our "Music
Database," that is the sole song that Horikawa-san
has performed for the DragonBall world. - VegettoEX
Q. Who
was the band that performed the first intro song to the
DBGT dub? And what was the song called? - Xavious
The problem here is that you don't note which
dub you're referring to. There's the FUNimation
dub and it's "Step Into the Grand Tour" rap
song, and there's the Blue Water dub (primarily aired
in the UK, but also in Canada) that uses an English "version"
of the original Japanese opening theme, "DAN
DAN Kokoro Hikarete 'ku". Not living in either
Canada or the UK, I've never actually seen one of the
Blue Water episodes, and cannot comment on whether or
not the song is given any type of name or performance
credit in either the opening or closing credits. If someone
out there happens to know, feel free to drop us a line
and let us know!
if you mean the FUNimation "song"... well, we
don't really know if it has an official name, but it's
commonly referred to as (like noted above), "Step
Into the Grand Tour" and it's performed by someone
who needs to enunciate better ^_~. - VegettoEX
Q. Are
Panputto's manager and the two guys that are with him
(Dragonball, Episode 92), the same guys that
Tao Pai Pai is collecting the Dragon Balls for in Episode
174 of Dragonball Z? -
Adam Malcolm
Probably not. It's not that uncommon for Toei to recycle
the character designs for fairly unimportant filler charcters.
However, sometimes they're even less original: there's
an episode during the "Great Saiyaman" arc where
some people are quite clearly Red Ribbon personnel, even
though they aren't really supposed to be. So just chalk
it up to one of those weird spots where the animators
decided not to be as original as they should have. - Julian
Episode 092 |

DragonBall Z: Episode 174 |
Q. Is
it ever mentioned how the Artificial Humans fly, shoot
energy blasts, etc.? They don't have ki, so that's
obviously not it. If they are using some internal means
to shoot blasts, how can they generate such power? -
#19 & #20 are energy-absorption models; we actually
see them collecting energy from our heroes.
#16, #17, & #18 have their own eternal power supplies.
they go about converting this absorbed or generated energy
into something that resembles ki blasts, I don't
think we'll ever know. Our heroes state that they cannot
sense these creatures, so it's obviously not ki
in the standard sense, but some other type of controlled
energy compression/manipulation. - VegettoEX
Q. If you add
up every uncut episode of DragonBall, DragonBall
Z, DragonBall GT,
PLUS all movies and specials, BACK TO BACK, approximately
how many
hours/days/weeks of viewing is it? -
Eternal Phoenix
Let's assume that the average TV episode is 22 minutes
in length. Let's assume that the average TV special is
44 minutes in length (twice the length of a regular TV
episode). Let's also assume that each movie is 50 minutes
in length (they vary, but that's a fairly good average
number to use).
are 508 total TV episodes; that's 11176 minutes.
are 17 theatrical movies; that's 850 minutes.
are 3 TV specials; that's 132 minutes.
12158 minutes, or about 203 hours, or about 8.5 days...
of straight viewing, all day, every day, every second
of every day. Then you can always throw in a couple extra
things like the Chinese live-action movie, the PlayDia
footage, the video game opening animations... let's even
it off to a nice, round 9 straight days of viewing.
- VegettoEX
Q. In the Saiyan
Saga, Kuririn, Tenshinhan, Chiaotzu, and Yamcha go into
the Room of Spirit & Time, go into the past to train
for the arrival of Nappa and Vegeta, where they meet two
Saiyans. What were those Saiyans' names, and did they
appear in the manga? Or was that scene just filler?
D'you have any information whatsoever I couldn't have
gotten from the Ocean Cast dub?
- QueenSaiyan
They were never given names in the show, and yes, they
were entirely filler. The only extra information I can
give you is what little there is noted in the fifth daizenshuu
above images for larger versions) |
all the first image says is that they're "illusory"
or "dream" Saiyans, and that Tenshinhan-tachi
fought them in an illusion while training to fight the
real Saiyans.
second one deals more specifically with Yamcha, Tenshinhan,
Chiao-tzu and Yajirobe, and how they went to train under
Kami-sama to prepare for the Saiyans' arrival.
Their "mind's journey through time" allowed
them to fight these Saiyans and realize just how weak
they really were, so they redoubled their efforts and
successfully complete their training.
DragonBall Z Complete Anime Guide: Son Gokû
Densetsu, the following character entry is given:

Half-strength Saiyans that Kuririn and co.
encountered during their journey through time in Kami-sama's
temple, who appeared so that they might learn the strength
of the Saiyans.
as you can see, details on these mysterious filler Saiyans
are pretty slim. - VegettoEX
Q. I watched
fansubs of DBZ (Anime Labs I think) and in them they refer
to the Demon that Babidi has under his control as Doubler.
So for years I have known him as Doubler. Then along comes
the dub and they call him Dabura. Now I figured they called
him that because the way they say "doubler"
in the Japanese version kind of sounds like "Da Boo
raa" especially when Babidi says it. So I come here
and see his name as "Dabra" and start thinking
that maybe it's not "Doubler" at all and maybe
FUNI's "Dabura" is closer to the truth than
"Doubler". So what is it? Doubler, Dabura, or
Dabra? -
Kyle Rice
We (well, Julian ^_~) spell the name "Dabra";
we'll get to why in a second.
name has been a constant source of confusion among fans,
and rightfully so. It doesn't follow the traditional "food"
series of puns, so that's out the window. If you were
to try and say the English word "doubler" in
Japanese, yes, you'd end up with something along the lines
of "daburaa", which is pretty close
to how the character's name is written in katakana.
what does the word "doubler" have to do with
the character? Is he two of something? Not particularly.
So let's think of something else.
people commonly think that the character's name may also
come from the same Cinderella song which Bibidi
& Babidi & Buu come from ("Bippity, Boppity,
Boo!"). Unfortunately, this is not true (the
only nonsense phrase goes "Salicadoola, Mencicaboola,
Boppity, Boo!")
take a look at the actual name in katakana.
it or not, while the word doesn't directly come from Cinderella,
it does find its roots in the same idea...
magic. Have you figured it out yet? If not, think of a
very magical word. You would cast a spell with it. How
about now? Got it?
--> aburakadabura --> Abracadabra
while "Dabura" is technically fine and well
(so long as you're saying "DAH - buh - ra"
and not "duh - BOO - rah" as FUNimation
does), we choose to spell it "Dabra" to bring
out the pun a little more. It's not entirely obvious,
though, so it's a great question! - VegettoEX
Q. What does
"Tenkaichi Budokai" mean in English? I assume
it means something along the lines of "fighting tournament,"
but I'm not entirely sure.
- cartoonboy
First off, thanks for getting the word-order correct!
Remember (*cough* Atari *cough*),
that's the order the words go in...! ^_~
tenka'ichi budôkai
break down the individual kanji:
kanji |
sound |
meaning |
天 |
ten |
heaven |
下 |
ka |
under, beneath |
一 |
ichi |
one |
武 |
bu |
military |
道 |
dô |
path |
会 |
kai |
to meet |
let's put the two "words" together on their
own, now.
(tenka-ichi) would approximately mean "number
one under the heavens".
would mean something along the lines of "gathering
of fighters"; you have to consider that putting
and 道
together gives you 武道
(budô, which is typically translated as
"the way of the samurai", but can apply
simply to general fighters, as well).
story short? It's the "number one gathering of
fighters under the heavens". OK, so that's not
so short. FUNimation's typical translation of "World's
Martial Arts Tournament" really isn't all that
far off, but it sure doesn't sound as cool...! -
Q. In Future
Trunks' timeline, with almost everyone dead and the Dragonballs
gone, why didn't they just hop over to Namek and use their
DBs to fix things up? Were the Nameks supposedly all on
Earth when the Androids attacked? Or did Bulma forget
how to make a faster-than-light spaceship? -
Lee Laughead
That would defeat the purpose of telling the entire rest
of the story ^_~ - VegettoEX
Q. In Final
Bout, there are two versions of SSJ Goku as an adult,
but the one called "Super Goku" in the American
version (this is Goku as an adult SSJ in the gi he wore
at the end of DBZ and the beginning of DBGT). I don't
think was ever in the anime or the manga at all. Does
Goku ever transform while he's wearing this outfit, as
an adult? -
Joshua Cochran
It's true; we don't ever see a regular SSJ Goku as an
adult in the blue gi throughout all of DBGT.
- VegettoEX

Q. I read on
a site years ago that the character selection in Final
Bout was left up to a fan poll in Japan. Is this
true and, if so, does it account for why the game features
so many repeats of the same character? Did the game designers
not think players would be happy without a certain, specific
version of Trunks? -
Joshua Cochran
Wow, this brings me back. If you had asked me this seven
years ago, I probably would have been able to answer it
a little better. Alas, I am getting forgettful in my old
age. The only thing I've been able to dig up is actually
in the FAQ for the game written by Sherwin Abesamis (yes,
the one we old folks know simply as "Wuken"
was apparent that the producers and developers behind
Dragonball Final Bout were concerned with the presentation
of their latest work. They were dead-set on making Dragonball
Final Bout a game that would satisfy fans of the video
game series, so they circulated a questionnaire across
Japan asking fans, "What would make this new video
game feel great?" The responses from this questionnaire
became the foundation of the gameplay behind Dragonball
Final Bout.
that's the best I can do. The game came out in November
1997 (just as DBGT was leaving Japanese air waves), so
it's been a loooong time... - VegettoEX
Q. In Viz's
DragonBall Z Vol. 17, with regards to the title
card to the book's first chapter (DBZ: 192, Trunks Surpasses
His Father), there is a blank square on the far right,
next to Vegeta and above Bulma. Was this square edited
for the U.S. release or was there really nothing there?
Joshua Cochran
Most likely, it just held either an "Akira Toriyama
- Bird Studio" emblem, or "Doragonbôru"
in katakana (can't tell which, as I don't have
that volumme in English). I wouldn't call it "edited,"
though; most likely, they took the color version from
daizenshuu 1 (which would have had clearer definition
than the already black-and-white page in the tankôbon),
and just didn't add back in the missing elements. - Julian
Q. OK. We all
know that Vegita was conquering a planet (or by himself
in Freeza's ship) when Planet Vegita was destroyed. We
know Nappa was being held in a brig on Freeza's ship for
the uprising King Vegita led (why he wasn't killed, and
the rest were, we don't know). We know Kakarot was in
a pod headed for earth. We know Tullece was in his own
ship, no longer associated with Freeza or his homeworld.
We know that Paragas and Brolly somehow both weathered
the explosion, and lived in space long enough to get somewhere
they could breathe because of Brolly's powers as the Legendary
Super Saiya-jin. But what we don't know, is how did Raditz
survive? How did Raditz survive when planet Vegita was
destroyed? Is it mentioned anywhere at all? Filler's fine
with me. -
Adam T
Unfortunately, I don't have a single shred of an answer
for you. Nothing's said by anyone (including Raditz, himself)
about where he was or what he was doing when Freeza wrought
destruction upon the planet. Well, OK... Raditz does say
a single line, but it's nothing more than essentially
saying they weren't home at the time (duh). That's really
all there is. I'm sure many a fanfic has been written,
though... - VegettoEX
Q. On your page
for DBZ Movie 4, "Lord Slug," your Special Notes
section says that the music for the dub is done by American
bands. I've also heard (I think from his website) that
Bruce Faulconer did actual instumental background music
for it too, but your page says nothing about it. So...
did he or didn't he? If Faulconer did do Lord Slug's score,
maybe I'll pick it up. ^_^-
Tarl O'Donnell
Bruce Faulconer is credited for the dub opening ("Dragon
Ball Z Theme"), with a small note later on saying
"Additional Music Scoring by Bruce Faulconer
and Cakemix Music / Evan Jones & FUNimation Productions,
Ltd." Basically, on the dub side, whenever
there wasn't that silly "real American band"
music playing, the regular musical score was composed
by either Bruce Faulconer or Evan Jones.
to say, Shunsuke Kikuchi composed the original Japanese
score ^_~. - VegettoEX
Q. Just out
of curiousity, what do you think of Mark Menza's music
used for the dubs of DBZ and GT? I'm having a hard time
...er... accepting it, because I'm so fond of Faulconer's
music. I thought I'd get someone's opinion who favors
the Japanese score. -
Tarl O'Donnell
I've literally seen approximately two minutes, total,
of any dubbed DragonBall GT. I have absolutely
no place in saying what I think of something I haven't
watched, nor will ever choose to watch. - VegettoEX
Q. Is the entire
Garlic Jr. saga "filler" ? The movies have no
real place in the regular storyline, and most video games
seem to skip over this saga, but why? I haven't read the
manga, so I don't know... ^^;;. -
Daniel Strauss
Simple question, simple answer...! Garlic Jr. does not
appear in the original manga, at all. It is entirely a
filler arc in the anime (and beyond the Ano-Yo-Ichi
Budôkai, the only example of a flat-out entire
story arc solely based around filler material; all other
filler at least had some relevance to the actual storyline
going on). - VegettoEX
Q. OK, this
question has been bugging me for a really long time now,
and since you haven't updated Ask VegettoEX in a while,
I figured I'd give you something to answer. At the end
of the Cell Games saga, Kuririn asks Shenlong to turn
the Jinzoningen human. Shenlong says this is beyond his
power, so Kururin has Shenlong remove the bombs inside
of them instead. My question here is, if Shenlong could
not turn the Jinzoningen human, how in the world did Kururin
manage to have a daughter with #18? Marron bears too much
of a resemblance to her parents to be adopted, but if
#18 was not human, how could she bear a child? The Shonen
Jump translation refers to the Jinzoningen as "Cyborgs"
on occasion, so is it possible that #18 and #17 are partially
human, but with mechanical parts fused into them? But
if THAT'S the case, it would seem Shenlong SHOULD have
the power to make them fully human. I know Toriyama-sensei
often leaves a lot unexplained, but I'm wondering if I'm
missing something here?-
Let's just toss the word "android" out the window;
it's not that it's completely irrelevant, it's that it's
not entirely accurate and further complicates matters.
Let's look at the word, jinzôningen,
and break it down character-by-character:
kanji |
sound |
meaning |
人 |
jin |
person |
造 |
zô |
make, construct |
人 |
nin |
person |
間 |
gen |
space |
let's combine some of the characters to get extra, more
concise meanings:
kanji |
sound |
meaning |
人造 |
jinzô |
artificial |
人間 |
ningen |
being |
literally, what we get is "artificial human being".
Now, this carries a very broad meaning.
Just how do you define what an "artificial human"
is? Android, cyborg, robot, mechanical person... just
what is it?
me for using Viz translations in the following, but since
we don't have any problems with these particular translations,
we'll use them with no issue.)
the manga, after #17 is absorbed by Cell, #18 states:
HATED Gero for turning us into (jinzôningen)!
on, Bulma, while taking a look through their blueprints,
based on human bodies... enhanced almost entirely with
bio-organic components... I guess that's why this Cell
figures it can fuse with them... I'll have to check,
but these few cybernetic parts might be the key to their
let's take a look at a few dictionary definitions for
terms we keep throwing around (namely robot, android,
& cyborg), all from Merriam-Webster's Online dictionary.
Pronunciation: 'rO-"bät, -b&t
Function: noun
Etymology: Czech, from robota compulsory labor;
akin to Old High German arabeit trouble, Latin
orbus orphaned
1 a : a machine that looks like a human
being and performs various complex acts (as walking
or talking) of a human being; also : a similar
but fictional machine whose lack of capacity for human
emotions is often emphasized b : an
efficient insensitive person who functions automatically
2 : a device that automatically performs
complicated often repetitive tasks
3 : a mechanism guided by automatic
Pronunciation: 'an-"droid
Function: noun
Etymology: Late Greek androeidEs manlike, from Greek
andr- + -oeidEs -oid
: a mobile robot usually with a human form
Pronunciation: 'sI-"borg
Function: noun
Etymology: cybernetic + organism
: a bionic human
how would we classify the various jinzôningen?
By now, it should be quite simple.
is, flat-out, an "android." As he states, he
was made "from nothing," and is completely built
from the ground up with absolutely no human parts. He
is a robot with human form; an "android". He
seems to have "emotions" (which Gero seems to
have classified as merely faulty programming resulting
in failed initiatives, but we'll leave that up to you)...
but without debate, he is completely robotic.
& #18 are, without challenge, cyborgs. They were originally
human, and "enhanced" in such a way that they
are no longer mere humans; they have advanced beyond that
to be something entirely different. They have feelings,
they have thoughts, they have desires, they have hopes,
and in the case of #18, they have a family.
don't know exactly what parts were "enhanced"
and in what way, but we know what we know. You may be
interested in knowing that in many countries, they are
referred to as "C17" and "C18" (with
the "C" obviously standing for "cyborg";
of course, #16 also gets referred to as "C16"
which totally ruins it, but whatever ^_~).
story short, #18 was originally human, and apparently
still contained the necessary human parts to procreate.
The use of "android" by FUNimation and Viz is
unfortunate, but understandable at the same time. Thankfully
Viz at least made notes time and time again to say "Technically,
#17 & #18 are cyborgs"... so good on them.
additional good reading would be number18's "Cyborg
or Android?" article, and just for the sake of
advancing your intellectual understanding and theory,
Donna Harraway's "Cyborg
Manifesto." - VegettoEX
Q. Why are Number's
17 and 18 referred to as androids? By definition, aren't
they cyborgs?-
Flash Dude37
Uhh... see above ^_~ - VegettoEX
Q. Is it just
me, or do ALL of Goku's "friends" start off
as enemies? Krillin once dispised Goku because of his
superior skill, and cheated to do better than him. Yamcha
was originally a desert bandit, who attacked Goku for
his capsules. Tien was almost killed Goku in the world
tournament, same with Piccolo who was born to take revenge
on Goku becaose of the death of his father. Vegeta, though
a trusted ally of gokus, has never liked him and attempted
to kill him on his first trip to earth. Pikkon could also
be put into the category of 'rival who tried to kill goku
in a tournament but saw the error of his ways after losing'.
Fat Buu had a vendetta to kill all humans until Goku influenced
him to kill Babidi, which gave Hercule the chance to turn
him good and allow Fat Buu to give Goku time for his spirit
bomb. AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST! Uub, originally Kid Buu
who destroyed earth and tried to kill goku, was reincarnated
and for a few minutes in a world tournament (do you see
the trend...?) hated Goku for making fun of him and his
family, but soon saw Goku was only teasing. EVEN CHICHI,
Gokus loving wife, once battled him in a tournament. Was
any of this on purpose? -
Flash Dude37
Whether intentional or not, one of the over-arching themes
of DragonBall seems to be that most enemies —
later DBZ ones discounted — are affected in some
way by being brought close to Goku through fighting him.
Thus, Oolong is tamed, Yamcha is brought in line, Kuririn
becomes his best friend, Tenshinhan defects from the Crane
School, etc. I think Vegeta hits upon it best when he
sees that even though Goku loves to fight, he's kind-hearted,
quick to forgive, and ultimately fights to protect the
ones he loves.
Goku's naïveté and easygoing nature bely the
fact that he's an astounding fighter, but he is also quick
to give others a second chance, whether they deserve it
or not. Maybe it's his humanity, maybe it's the impression
he makes on others with his skill, or maybe it's a holdover
from Journey to the West; but whatever the reason,
he definitely makes an impression on the people around
him, especially the ones who were his
enemies. It's an aspect of the series I enjoy immensely.
- Julian
Q. When Goku
dies, Enma-daiou tells him that Raditz fought against
being sent to hell. How is this possible, when Raditz
ought to have been relieved of his body upon reaching
the afterlife? And further, if Enma isn't even as strong
as Kaiou-sama, how does he deal with the truly scary people
(Freeza and beyond) that start getting sent to him?-
Colin Phillips
I've always wondered the exact same thing. Perhaps
Toriyama-sensei hadn't yet decided upon the fact
that everyone (except for Goku and his
clique of friends) gets their body swiped away and turned
into little clouds. Technically, Enma-daiô
should never have fought Raditz, because he was just a
little cloud, and was simply pointed in the direction
towards Hell. Ah, the fun plot-holes we discover :D -
Q. In the Buu
Saga, Supreme Kai said that if Goku fused with him, the
results wouldn't turn out very good. Then how come Old
Kai managed to successfully fuse with the witch?-
Note that Kaiôshin said the results wouldn't turn
out *good*; he never said they wouldn't
be able to actually *do* it. Goku even
ponders to himself what the results of fusing with either
Dende or Mr. Satan would be (in fact, you can see a little
bit of this over on the "Fusions"
page of our "Transformation
Guide"). They'd have been able to fuse, but the
strength of the resulting character just wouldn't have
made a shred of difference (as opposed to fusing with
Vegeta, which brought out an amazing character!). Rô-Kaiôshin
and the fusing with the witch falls under this same category;
it worked, but the resulting... uhh... "person"...
wasn't quite what anyone would have expected from a fusion
^_~. - VegettoEX
Why is it whenever Funimation superimposes something onto
the edited dub (I.E. the word "Root" above "Beer",
the "Mad Cows" when Kamesennin does Drunken
Boxing), the object can't stay in the same place? It like,
randomly floats and moves as the scene progresses. I've
seen a lot of edited anime, and Funimation's DB/DBZ is
the only series I've seen that does that.
The S
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