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DragonBall: Episode 015
(Originally aired 04 June 1986)

"Fushigi na Onna no Ko Ranchi"
("The Strange Girl, Lunch")

Chapter 026 Begins:
"Fushigi na Onna no Ko" / "The Strange Girl"

Canon Segment: 1 Minute, 26 Seconds

Goku and Kuririn, who will not be accepted as Kame-Sen'nin's pupils if they do not bring him a pichipichi gal, have departed on Kinto-Un in search of a girl. Goku notices someone and asks Kuririn if the old man would like that one. Kuririn looks, and it turns out to be a man. Goku is quite impressed with Kuririn's ability to distinguish gender with his eyes, and explains that he can only tell by feeling their crotch. Kuririn quickly informs Goku that he is a boy.

Filler Segment: 5 Minutes, 37 Seconds

At an old saloon, surrounded by tumbleweed and cacti outside, some cowboys relax and play cards. One man at the bar points his gun at a wanted poster for a blonde girl named "Lunch" with a reward of two million. He asks another man if she is really coming here, who insists that she is. As they discuss how terrible she is, the saloon doors swing open, and a girl walks in... but a nice, dark-haired one. The man that was after Lunch buys this girl a drink, saying she reminds him of a girl he once loved. The heavy winds outside blow some of her hair under her nose, causing her to sneeze.

After sneezing, she is suddenly the blonde from the poster, so the man at the bar tries to attack her. Lunch sends him flying across the room, along with his two cohorts. The bartender pulls out his shotgun, so she responds by using her machine gun to shoot up his liquor bottles, followed by the tables and walls. Meanwhile, Kuririn is going pee... right onto a little frog, no less. Goku attempts to peek at his crotch just to be sure, but Kuririn shoos him away. When he is done, the two of them fly off again.

Lunch continues her crime spree by riding her motorbike down into a canyon, stopping near some train tracks. She takes out a rocket launcher and awaits the approaching train. When the train is close enough, she fires, causing the train to come to a halt so that she can head inside to rob it. As she exits the train and takes off on her motorbike again, a man inside the train calls the police. Goku and Kuririn, meanwhile, seem to be nearing the canyon.

Canon Segment: 13 Minutes, 31 Seconds

Two police cars chase after Lunch through the canyon, firing at her as they yell to stop. She throws a grenade back in their direction, taking out one of the cars. The other police car continues pursuing her, so she rides her bike up over a hill, while the car is forced to go around. Even so, the car does not fall far behind, so she pulls out a gun to get rid of this car too. Before she can fire, some of her hair tickles her nose, and she sneezes again. As they fly overhead, Goku thinks there is no one here at all, so Kuririn insists they just leave.

As the nice, dark-haired girl again, Lunch has fallen off of her motorbike, quite confused. The policemen step out of their car and tell her to surrender as they point their guns at her. She has no idea what she has done, and then screams for help. The boys hear the cry for help, and look down into the canyon to notice a girl being attacked. Goku asks if they should help her. Kuririn thinks they should, but there is nothing they could do against men with guns. Paying attention only to the "should" part, Goku swoops down to help. The policemen tell him not to interfere, but he attacks them anyway, while Kuririn hides. Both men are beaten easily, so Lunch thanks Goku. Kuririn then comes out of hiding, so Goku asks him if the old man would like this one. As the three of them set off on Kinto-Un, Kuririn thinks she is really nice, while Lunch wonders where they are going.

Chapter 026 Ends

Chapter 027 Begins
"Ranchi no Kushami" / "Lunch's Sneeze"

Goku explains that they're headed to Kame-Sen'nin's house. When they arrive, Lunch remarks about what a lovely house it is. Goku tries yelling at the old man through the door, but gets no response again. Kuririn suggests he may be in the bathroom, so Goku barges inside to go tell him to get out. Kuririn tries to apologize for Goku's rudeness. Lunch then asks why she is here. Kuririn explains to her that they just want her to stay for a while, so she says that is helpful for her too, since she is being chased. Kuririn then decides to ask her about the men that were after her. She says they were real policemen.

Goku stands outside the bathroom door and yells that they brought a pichipichi gal. When he finishes, Kame-Sen'nin angrily tells him not to be so loud. Kuririn, meanwhile, asks why the police were after her. Lunch looks into her bag and notices lots of money, and wonders if she robbed a bank again. Kame-Sen'nin looks through the window to check out this gal they brought. She wonders if she might have robbed a train instead, prompting Kuririn to suppose that she is a rich girl with a sense of humor. She tries to warn him that when she sneezes, her personality... but she is interrupted by an excited Kame-Sen'nin.

Kame-Sen'nin tells the boys they can both be his pupils, and then heads outside to introduce himself to Lunch. She tells him his grandsons saved her, so Kame-Sen'nin corrects her: the boys are his younger brothers. Of course, he tells the truth, that he teaches them martial arts. He then asks Lunch to take a bath... err, live with him, and offers to teach her martial arts, too. She doubts she could make use of it, so the old man explains the benefits of training, while Kuririn explains just how important and famous Muten-Rôshi is. Kame-Sen'nin is pleased with the boy over this. He then hands Lunch a "uniform", and she prepares to change right there, until Kuririn asks if she should change in the house instead. Kame-Sen'nin is not pleased with the boy over this.

Lunch comes back outside in the "uniform", which is really just lingerie. The boys are wearing it, too, and Kame-Sen'nin insists that it is the Kamesen Style Dôgi. He wants to begin practice, but a bug suddenly flies by and interrupts him. It next flies over to Lunch, tickling her nose. She tries to tell the boys to run away before she sneezes, but it is already too late. The bad Lunch wonders where she is, thinking this place does not look like prison. She then pulls out a machine gun and shoots the boys up, but sneezes again in the middle of firing. As the good Lunch again, she looks at the gun with confusion, and nervously apologizes and explains that her personality changes every time she sneezes. She hopes she did not do anything wrong. Filled with bullets, Kame-Sen'nin says, "N-No, not really..."

Chapter 027 Ends

Total canon time: 14 Minutes, 57 Seconds
Total filler time: 5 Minutes, 37 Seconds

DB Episode 015: ~27% Filler


The dialogue between Goku and Kuririn at the beginning of the episode, before Goku spots the farmer, is all filler.

The two other wanted posters in the saloon are for Fuiuchi Mack ($1,000,000) and Akira ($100,000), with the latter being the Toriyama Bot in a suit!

In the manga, Lunch's gloves have "Sturgis" written on them, but they have blank patches in the anime.

The boys are not shown, or rather, heard discussing, changing into their "uniforms" in the manga. The scene just cuts from Lunch going inside (and Kuririn being scolded) to her coming back outside.

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