There are so many little bits of information we want to share, but simply do not have a specific section to cover them in. They also don't seem to warrant their own larger section, so what are we to do? Make another new section just for these tidbits o' information! Whether it's simply a collection of small facts, and interesting anecdote, or even a pretty large scale explanation of something, this is the place to find it.

26 August 2004)
Released as a promotional item sent to 1000 V-Jump
readers, DragonBall Z 2 V was indeed released,
but it was not an expansion-disc. [ read
more ] |
26 August 2004)
While the name for the regular, wish-granting Dragon
in the series is "Shen Long," the Evil Dragons
in DBGT are named for the Dragon Balls, themselves,
and are thus "— Xing Long." Somewhat
confusing! [ read
more ] |
23 October 2005)
When the Japanese version of Budokai 3 (entitled
DragonBall Z 3) was released, fans quickly
discovered a slew of bonus features not available
in the original European and American releases of
the game. Alternate character costumes, bonus movies,
and more! [ read
more ] |
05 November 2005)
Fans clamored to try and uncover additional playable
characters in the North American release of Budokai
3, but alas, none were to be found. When the
Japanese version was released a few months later,
additional "characters" were indeed found.
A full list of all playable characters (including
all alternate outfits), complete with images of each!
[ read
more ] |
23 October 2005)
The near-simultaneous release of Sparking!
throughout the world allowed fans, Japanese &
American (and European, etc!) alike to discover all
of the game's playable characters together. A full
list of all playable characters, complete with images
of each! [ read
more ] |
05 February 2006)
Did you know that Bardock and his crew were actually
jointly-created by Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru and Akira
Toriyama? View all of the original character designs
and notes! [ read
more ] |
08 July 2006)
The PS2 port of the arcade fighting game developed
by Crafts & Meister features a smaller roster
than today's fans may be used to, but where it lacks
in quantity, it makes up for it in quality! Eighteen
characters, including six hidden ones, comprise the
roster of this fighting game. [ read
more ] |
(Added: 04 November 2006)
The near-simultaneous release of Sparking! NEO throughout the world allowed fans, Japanese & American (and European, etc!) alike to discover all of the game's playable characters together. A full list of all playable characters & alternate outfits, complete with images of each! [ read more ] |
(Added: 30 March 2008)
Ever since its original airing in 1997, one of the biggest fandom discussions has revolved around what actually happens to Goku at the very end of DragonBall GT. Does he die? Where did he go? What did he become? What is its significance? Is there something I am missing? [ read more ] |
27 July 2008)
Did you know that members of the anime production crew created three "side stories", taking three different characters and developing additional viewpoints from those characters' perspectives? Aya Matsui wrote and Minoru Maeda illustrated this fascinating piece from Trunks' perspective, beginning with his own past and leading up through the Cell Game arc. [ read
more ] |
(Added: 13 March 2009)
A month before any official word out of Japan, our forum member "Wasted Wisher" told us that Toei was in the process of updating the DBZ TV series into HD with all new "stuff". As word began to slowly leak out of Japan in a more official capacity, we learned that this project was to be called DragonBall Kai, and was a "refreshed" version of the DBZ TV series. Read all about how we learned about this series' production, right up through the most current news. [ read more ] |
(Added: 24 September 2009)
DragonBall Evolution was released in Spring 2009. We covered the news leading up to its release extensively, and reviewed it on our podcast following both the Japanese and American theatrical debuts. Following its home release on DVD and Blu-ray, it seems to have faded away with little more than a whimper to remind us that it even existed in the first place. [ read more ] |
(Added: 15 August 2010)
The fabled "OVA" for the DragonBall franchise began its life as a Nintendo Famicom game, a two-part VHS "Official Visual Guide" for said video game, a two-part interactive video game on the Bandai Playdia, and eventually a remake included as a part of Raging Blast 2 seventeen years after the original release. [ read more ] |